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The most important thing in life
First I would like to thank my wonderful family and friends. Without your support and understanding when I was in front of the computer for hours, staring at nothing when I was pondering over a problem, or forgot something again, none of this would have been possible.

Thank you very much, I love you.

Wylie from
Node operator and previous owner of

I was in the process of revising RadixScan when I saw a mention in Discord. Curious, I read what it was about, and that's when Wylie offered to let me have the .com domain for free, since he doesn't use it and he appreciates my previous work on RadixScan. An absolutely generous offer, which I was very happy to accept. I am very grateful to be a part of this great community!

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Jos de Jong
Developer and maintainer of the JSON Editor

Thank you for the editor, our network explorer is based on it.

Go to github repository

Developer and maintainer of the Carbon Design System

I see myself more as a backend developer, but I realize that a website needs a pleasing design.
Thanks a lot for taking some of the load off my shoulders with the carbon framework.

Carbon Design System